Master’s Plan University (MPU)

If you haven’t had the chance yet, we want to invite you to sign up for Master’s Plan University (MPU)! You will receive exclusive content that we’re creating and adding on a regular basis.  We will add content to minister to you, help you, and guide you through the complexity of the building process.  Benefit from Rodney’s 20+ years as …

Thriving In Ministry Podcast

Rodney was invited to be a guest on Thriving In Ministry Podcast, hosted by Dace and Kyle Willis.  They talked about what needs to be done and decided before building, and we know you’ll get a lot of value out of it. Also, if you want more resources for pastors, go over to Daily Pastor now, and subscribe to the …

Memorial Drive Church Of Christ

When Memorial Drive Church of Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma experienced a devastating fire that rendered the entire facility useless, the team at Master’s Plan was invited to become a partner in the rebuilding process. Read their amazing story below from the March/April issue of Church Executive magazine, and visit them online for more amazing resources and stories. It will be …